Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Two apples a day keep the doctors far away...

This Friday will be the last day I wake before the hour of 8am, wear heels and slit envelopes with a smile on my face. No more of that. I suppose in a few weeks I will return to waking before 8am as my school routine takes its toll. Regardless, the end of this summer office job is in site, and 4:30pm on Friday afternoon will bear my march of glee down the elevators, out the doors and onto my free spirit. Ahhh, fall is upon us.

This summer has been one of many novelties. New husband, new home, new car, new job. This job, new this summer, has also been new in other summers. Three times the charm is my motto, and back again I was for one more round of Master Anglers, good mornings until 12 and good afternoons until 4:30. Everyday I open the doors, turn on the lights and deliver the newspaper; The Sun and Free Press to the lunch room, the Globe & Mail to the President. I go to my desk, turn on my computer, take the phone off call forward, check the voicemail and remove my travel mugged coffee from my bag with haste. At 9:30 I eat one apple and at 10 I go for coffee with Betty, a lovely lady of 54. I ask her what she did last night, she says "Oh, nothing much", then she asks me and I tell her about the events that last night beheld. At 10:30 we return to our desks, I open the mail, do the Master Anglers, deliver the mail, and answer any odd phone calls that come my way. Then I come back to my desk and eat another apple. Usually at this point someone will have brought me whatever small task that they don't feel like doing that day, licking envelopes, making labels, or preparing packages. At 12 I hop on my bike and pedal as fast as my legs allow, to my sweet home for lunch. For one hour I feel like a normal human being with feelings, thoughts and things to do. It's important and I need it. At 1 I return from my blessed abode, and tend to the awaiting invoices. These are the longest hours when my only company is this screen, and the game which is to wait. I am the winner everyday. At 2 I drink a can of diet coke which is merely an action to keep me occupied so my eyes don't run their free will and fall slowly but surely to their most desired position, it works every time. At 3 I print and proof my batch of invoices, then slowly take a stroll down the hall through the office where I deliver them to the accounting clerk. The rest of the day is a blur. No coke, no invoices, only silence until 4:30. And that, dear friends, is my day and was my summer. Thankfully in between all of those things I had one companion to keep me updated on the beauties and events of the world, and discuss decisions, annoyances, and the humour of our jobs. Thanks e-lady, T-lady - you have carried me through the summer.

Now it is 11:51 and I am hungry as a duck. 9 minutes until lunch time and then I will feast.

Cheers to zombie office life that will be brought to an end in 2.5 days. Thank goodness.

xoxo V.


tiffany said...

waaa waaa weee waaaa. We have had the weirdest summer. The funniest e-mails, the strangest links sent back and forth. 2 hours and 20 minutes for me.

Jonarkle said...

"hungry as a duck"
hahaha awesome!