... Before you break my heart.
But the truth is that, I don't want it to stop in any name at all. In fact, I want the snobs to stop.
Okay... I've thought of this for a while now, and struggled with which side I want to rally for. In some situations, or most really, you need to pick a side. It's so hard to remain neutral to anything these days. I think I've decided what my consensus is and mustered up the courage to say it out loud.
So here are three examples of what my mind is turning with at this very moment.
a) Hearing the Postal Service playing in Old Navy.
b) My Scissors Sisters playing, Palamino club going, cougar of a co-worker loving Snow Patrol.
c) Seeing a picture on Facebook of a chongo-chica holding a playboy bunny purse labelled "Last night at the Collective!!".
Here's the thing, I am by no one's standard cool. I mean... really now, I'm not cool in the least, and I don't claim to be. No way José, I'll boldly proclaim from anyone's soap box that I know nothing about anything cool. That being said, I really don't have any grounds to be a snob. I have absolutely nothing to be snobby about. Apart from just coolness in general, which I do not have, I don't know much about cool's counterparts either: music or fashion. Yeah, I know what I like and what I don't like but I'm not someone that you would want to discuss FW07 fashion trends with or lcd soundsystem's newest...thing. In the most honesty I have in me, I'll tell you that a large majority of my music collection has been suggestions from friends, I own a dress from Old Navy, and I most likely was part of the indie-blooded overthrow at the Collective.
Okay, so keep all of this in mind as I tell you a big secret. Sometimes, just sometimes, I PRETEND to be cool. I pretend that I'm so over chain store shopping as I wear - on a weekly rotation - a dress from Old Navy and I pretend that I don't like music on the radio - I was in attendance at the JT concert. I even pretend that I know what chongo means...
This is what I have to say: Why can't normal people get in on the cool stuff? Isn't it great that the things that are good and cool are actually getting recognition? The Postal Service for example, what great publicity being played at Old Navy, there are mass amounts of people there all the time. They are responsible for bringing great music into the world, they should become more famous. Evidently there's a problem with that idea. This is it: Everyone wants to be the coolest. This means that when the people that aren't cool start to divulge themselves into cool culture the music stops, the cool factor diminishes and the crowd moves on, with more snob-stature to carry them to the next venue.
Why why why oh why.
My September 26th resolution is to never be a snob. As I mentioned earlier, I don't have a reason to be at all, but sometimes it's just easy to be and I think that everyone, even if just a tiny bit of them, everyone secretly WANTS to be a snob. It's the worst idea though. I like to be nice, I like it when other people are nice, I like to do fun things and I like to wear clothes that are I think are pretty. End of story.
Watch me eat all of these words tomorrow when I feel like I want to be a snob and wear gold lamé tights from AA or stomp my feet to some indie electro music and call in dancing.
I don't know what a chonga is... So I can't pretend not to know.
My local scene was killed (or is being slowly tortured before it dies) by the exact same thing. Snobs deciding that as soon as the music gets more popular, or more people get interested... they no longer want to go to the local shows/ support the band.
it's back!
and now... i forget what i wanted to say...
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