What a funny thing to say. Radio face. I don't know why, but every time that I say it out loud, inevitably laughter - also in out loud form - ensues... from myelf. Ha. HA. Radio Face. The only problem with this hilarious nick-name is that it is more derogatory than funny. I called Landen "radio face" a couple of times this week, it was my attempt at telling a funny joke because in real life he's a huge stud... I just got a kick out of it. Unfortuntely following my comedic activity, I did not receive the playful response I was hoping for... No siree, a hung head was my applause and the joke was proven foul once and for all.
Anyways, if you frequent the power site you may have come across this photo:
I mean, not that it's a bad pic or anything, but he doesn't really look himself. They should have posted one where he was, you know, looking hunkadelic. Yep, I said it. This man's face was not made for the radio, it was made for the t.v. if I do say so myself. Anyways, my boyfriend is famous blahblahblah. Actually, I have some bone picking to do while we're on the topic of fame. What's with everyone getting famous these days? Alexa frikin' lives on an airplane with a microphone as her carry on, my sister recently got published in a magazine (which also re-confirmed her status as favorite daughter) and now Landen is shooting the breeze with Wheeler and Hal, who's next? I hope me. Maybe I could get famous for something superly cool like... ... Blogging? Barf. Goodness knows the closest I am to becoming famous any time soon is my own personal satisfaction knowing that I changed Little Horn Ranch from being listed without running water to having running water. But hell, that basically makes me published right? Where's my uh, Pulitzer Prize huh? Oh that's right, I'm not getting one, but maybe Chris will get famous by like, starting to model or something. That would be great. Whoever it is that is next though, maybe just maybe, they'll bring me along for the ride. Like, as their sidekick, roadie, carry-on, or double.. you know, for the sweet stunts they don't want to do in fear they're gorgeous shell might get irreversably tainted. Yeah, I'll do those.
Okay, so if you are gonna get famous, call me up, I'll do it with you.
are you talkin about me? am i the chris? how could i become a model haha! and why did you pick model! and not something cool like RALLY CAR DRIVER, or pro motocross racer, or something like that......im upset...if thats me ur talking about haha
Chris... Of COURSE I'm talking about you. You should be FLATTERED that I chose model.
Maybe, just Maybe you can Model motocross bikes once you get famous for being a good racer. Either that or V just thinks your straight up GAY! hahah!
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