Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Sour cherry pie, please.

If you have never had a treat such as sour cherry pie, I advise you do so... pronto.

A couple of months ago I was approached by my dear eldest sister with a statement slash question. It was both. "Vanessa, I need to ask you to go for pie with me." At the time, I felt impartial about the situation. I liked pie, but I would never order it or go out especially to eat some. However, considering my sister is the prettiest of them all, not to mention lovely, dainty, delightful, and cute... Going out for pie seemed to be the most perfect thing to do with such a lady. Alas, our penciled in pie date got re-written in pen and the idea of "going out for pie" became a reality.

We did some shopping on Lilac and then arrived at our destination: Bread & Circuses. Olivia ordered a peanut butter cookie, and I ordered a small cup of soup. Both delicious, both not pie. It was about five o'clock in the evening and neither of us really wanted to spoil dinner with a large piece of pie with an equally large portion of ice cream on the side. We did however look at the pie, and boy oh boy were my eyes appeased. As we parted ways, we concured that we should go out for pie more often because pie is so great. You probably aren't laughing right now, but it really was quite the inside joke. Discussing how great going out for pie was hilarious due to the fact that we never ate pie. Funny right? Yeah... Just as I thought... FUNNY.

So I guess the rest is history. After the first time we "went out for pie" we have had nothing but success in satisfying our hankering for fruit filled pastry; last night was no exception. Bread & Circuses is a gem, and I know exactly how to order whenever I go there. Sour cherry pie, please.


tiffany said...

that pie sounds gross.

vanessa said...

Why I oughtta...

Anonymous said...

Sounds delicious!

Brittany said...

oh my word.
my mom makes the best sour cherry pie of life.