Thursday, September 20, 2007

The face of an addict...

Wahh... I'm a big addict.

Yep, that'd be her.
Addicted to what, you may ask?

Yes my friends, it is true. In the last few months... or maybe only weeks :S I have gotten into the hit T.V. series LOST. After about two weeks I was done season one and a couple of days after that I was done season two. But season three isn't out yet!! Ahhh.... Luckily I am in close correspondance with a house full of hackers (well not really, but they mac it up PRETTY hard - hey I'm not complaining... Thank you Tiffany) so it's not a difficult feat to come by the third season well before it's released on dvd. Last night I experienced (It's not even watching, it's EXPERIENCING) the first episode . Frankly, I'm speechless. Who's kidding who, I'm never speechless. But I am in awe and evidently useless at work; The tease of an episode last night beheld is causing serious distraction and major plotting in my brain of what might happen next. I can't think about anything else...

In a nutshell, I am completely, 100%, undividedly addicted to LOST. Hmm...This addiction does resemble love in a weird way. Who needs a boyfriend when you have LOST right? I suppose I have both. Amen't I just a greedy little fisherman?

Alright, NOW I will begin my speechlessness...


tiffany said...

if there is one thing i'm happy about doing, its feeding the addictions of addicts.

Jonarkle said...

Heroes is the new Lost.... you are SO 2 years ago, pfft. Get with the program
(Monday 9, NBC or winnipeg equivalant... CBC? We have "Global" out here)

kNate said...

i still have the newest season sitting at my house on DVD for you.. remind me to bring it sometime.

Brittany said...

i still heart that picture.
so much.