Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Bilingual? ... Ex-bilingual is more like it.

If I was blogging on myspace I would set my "current mood" to depressed and the emoticon I'm sure would be the frown with a tear.

My resume says I'm bilingual, hence me having a job where I need to speak French... quite frequently. This should be a good thing, a great tool and a ticket to good pay. The problem at this very moment is that I'm becoming ever more aware of my disintegrating French skills. I might have to retire that segment of my resume all too soon. This makes me sad.

This morning I was on the phone with a man from Montreal and he was trying to order two new scrap bins (yeah... scrap bins.. I work at General Scrap, these are the kind of conversations I have). Things were going fine, but then he was giving me his contact information and he said it en Francais (naturally, as the conversation took place in French) and then tried to repeat it in English for me. This = tragic. He totally thought that I didn't understand his phone number in French, which I clearly did, but the fact that he thought I couldn't, means my grammar was that horrible he could tell I was a passe French speaker who's accent was sub-par.


Maybe I should go back to uni in the fall and jump on the Language courses. My English could use some help aswell. *Sigh*

1 comment:

Jonarkle said...

I'm sorry to hear your life is falling apart... If it's any consolation, I can't speak french! (or spel in inglish)

nono, the "latter" quote unquote was for "I can make a mess like nobodys buisness"
One of my favorites, check them out!
It's whatshis face from "The Early November" Tell me what you think

There we go, this is my second favorite song by him.