Saturday, March 12, 2011

teapot, tea time, tea party

It was grade four. My best friend Jessica asked if I would come to her mom's work for take-your-kid-to-work-day, so I did. I slept at her house the night before, we woke up early and her mom had two tea-filled travel mugs ready for us. Peppermint. I can remember the scent perfectly, vividly. I hadn't caught whiffs of like-scented peppermint tea until my 23rd birthday when Landen bought me organic peppermint tea, the memories that accompanied it were delightful. The scent of that tea, an aroma that captured me long before I took my first sip, was what kindled my love for tea.

Lately I have been obsessed with Jessie's Tea. I'm not sure who Jessie is/was, but her tea makes me weak at the knees. Truth be told, I wake up longing for it, I sit in class, run at the gym and walk home from school anxious to return home to brew a pot of this tea. The power it has over me is astounding, really. I haven't been so smitten by anything for as long as I can remember [excluding my charming husband]. Seemingly a harmless addiction, I'm letting myself indulge.

Landen has been student teaching in a grade five classroom for the past week. He told me a story last night that I have been giggling to myself about ever since. Transcription [with changed names, who knows about anything these days]:

L: Mark, do you have Bieber fever?
Mark: No!
L: Chris, do you have Bieber fever?
Chris: No.
L: Ronny, do you have Bieber fever?
Ronny: Nahhh...
L: Brittany, do you have Bieber fever?
Brittany: Yes.
L: Austin, do you have Bieber fever?
Austin: No, but I want to get it for my aunt.

Funny! So so funny. I keep thinking about how great it will be to have a husband that is a teacher because for the rest of my life I will be laughing at the antics of school-aged children.

Jessie is waiting.

V. xo

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