Life was dramatic when the wedding plans were in full bloom, moods were swinging for the best and the majority of those involved were pleased with the decisions being made. It was fully entertaining to hear the voices, opinions and stories of those who are of a different generation, culture, and for multiple commas sake; genders. Hilarity ruled with comments flying from mothers and mother-in-laws to be alike.
Now, amidst the calm of a married life, sweetness is in the air, among love and other things, and I will boldly proclaim from my honeymooning perspective that I don't see how this could go sour, how it could fizzle or die or dare to be covered in dust. Endorphin'd and bare legged, yes, but this belated summer shine is not completely to blame for these hopes and dreams that daily keep my lips curved up. And we shall call him husband - ta-da! - a title that flows from my lips and fingers with dis-comfort and un-ease. But one can only adjust to so much in such a short frame of time n'est pas? If a new name for my very own lover is too much to bare, how could anyone expect of me to find comfort in a new name for myself? That, I must say, is far too much. Yes married life blissfull and pure but let's not get carried away too far too fast, shall we? Let's ease ourselves into the routine of this commitment and all that comes with it. Yes. Let's.
Shortly and sweetly,
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blog moreeeeeeeeeeee
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