Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Last night I bought chips for the people that were supposedly coming to my apartment to hang out. We ended up not going to my apartment at all and hanging out at the Leg instead as per the most recent trends. I really wanted to swim in the fountain but they turned off as I was about to slip my toes in. Bah. I told my friend to choose the flavor because "I don't even want to eat any"... Then I proceeded to eat 3/4 of the bag while everyone else watched because they were full. Prior to arriving at my house they had gone to Mongo's and ate real food while I made a disaster of a meal for supper for someone who wasn't hungry and ended up having bubble tea instead... and then I had chips... bubble tea then chips... Can you say healthy? Apparently that's me, "not wanting any". Today my stomach hates me.

I also went to Superstore last night and was blown away at the low low prices. Seriously. Blown away. I felt like everything was on sale, in comparison to where I ordinarily do my shopping: Safeway. My favorite purchase was grapes. They are crunchy and red. I also bought a shower curtain and bathroom towels. When I arrived home, much to my dismay, I discovered that the blues didn't match. Oh well.

Friday is the last day my boss will work at Travel Manitoba. As much as I dislike her, as the majority here do, I really do like her. She's a person that doesn't show favoritism at all since the only sentiment that she does emit is negativity. Every conversation she has with anyone is beneath her stature and ends with a conventional *SIGH* to signify her superior vexation and demonstrate the preciousness of her time that should not have been wasted on such a conversation. It is tiresome to most in the office to feel as though they are of minimal importance to her, however everyone has a spirit of loyalty towards her because she single handedly carried Travel Manitoba into a successful Crown Corporation. To me, that doesn't mean much considering I have no ties with Travel Manitoba and have not been here long enough to have reverance to her because of that. I like her. I don't think she necessarily likes me, but she certainly gets a kick out of me. She calls me "kiddo" and gives me feeble attempts of sarcasm that are always carried out with a smile. She is bitter-sweet and in 2.5 days she we will be moving on to Newfoundland and taking her talents with. Today we are acknowledging her departure in form of Wine&Cheese. All I have said about my boss and her departure has been intended to climax with this one question: How much wine shall I drink? I could definitely take advantage of the fact that I'm a temp, it's the end of the day and it is not my penny... Or I could be responsible, drink a glass of wine with class and take my relaxed body home for a nap. The decision of the day, however will I decide?

Thus concludes the most random of all random blogs. From the Leg and an upset stomach to Superstore and blues that don't match to a tribute of sorts and my quandary in regards to wine.


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