Friday, August 31, 2007


It's not very often that you have two experiences with rainbows in the same week. I however live a life of exceptions; rainbows being one of them.

Anyone who lives downtown could tell you that following the rain on Tuesday there was quite a site up above. I'm not much for the word brilliant... but I can't think of another phrase to describe this rainbow other than "brilliant colours"... The phrase doesn't even make sense so I don't know why it won't leave my head. (I think my French Immersion is emerging right now... Maybe I'm thinking brilliant because of "brillant" a.k.a. bright?? Who knows...) No joking around though, this rainbow was kicking the shit out of the sky. Prior to Tuesday, I had never seen a full arc rainbow. Honestly, I was quite awestruck by the BRILLIANCE (barf) of it. It was beautiful. Thankfully when I walk the streets there are usually a lot of photographers around to capture my every move digitally - ya know, PAPARAZZI, so as I was walking across the street it is no surprise that a reporter from the Sun managed to snag a photo of myself with the rainbow. Those were all great lies I just told. The truth is that there happened to be a reporter from the Sun in the street taking photos of the crazy rainbow. He happened to think Landen and I looked pretty with it because we were sporting colours much like the ones in the sky. He snapped a couple shots and sent them our way. I really liked the rainbow and it had quite an impact on me. It turned my frown upside down... and that's the truth. (YES I'm wearing sweat pants in public, NO I have not given up on life)


The next day my luck with rainbows continued. I saw my very first play at Rainbow Stage and it had almost the same effect on me as the previous evening's rainbow. I was so excited to be there, not to mention to see my all-time favorite musical - The Sound of Music - being performed. No, it's not Broadway in New York, if it was I would be satisfied dying directly after because my life would be so complete, but it was pretty great. I even shed a couple of tears near the beginning; my joy personified.

So there you have it. My rainbow-filled week for you to see, and a wonderful rainbow-filled week it was.

1 comment:

kNate said...

Thats such an awesome picture of you and landon! that why that dude gets paid big bucks, it's to take good pics! did you notice the church steeple is all lit up gold by the sun?