Friday, August 31, 2007


It's not very often that you have two experiences with rainbows in the same week. I however live a life of exceptions; rainbows being one of them.

Anyone who lives downtown could tell you that following the rain on Tuesday there was quite a site up above. I'm not much for the word brilliant... but I can't think of another phrase to describe this rainbow other than "brilliant colours"... The phrase doesn't even make sense so I don't know why it won't leave my head. (I think my French Immersion is emerging right now... Maybe I'm thinking brilliant because of "brillant" a.k.a. bright?? Who knows...) No joking around though, this rainbow was kicking the shit out of the sky. Prior to Tuesday, I had never seen a full arc rainbow. Honestly, I was quite awestruck by the BRILLIANCE (barf) of it. It was beautiful. Thankfully when I walk the streets there are usually a lot of photographers around to capture my every move digitally - ya know, PAPARAZZI, so as I was walking across the street it is no surprise that a reporter from the Sun managed to snag a photo of myself with the rainbow. Those were all great lies I just told. The truth is that there happened to be a reporter from the Sun in the street taking photos of the crazy rainbow. He happened to think Landen and I looked pretty with it because we were sporting colours much like the ones in the sky. He snapped a couple shots and sent them our way. I really liked the rainbow and it had quite an impact on me. It turned my frown upside down... and that's the truth. (YES I'm wearing sweat pants in public, NO I have not given up on life)


The next day my luck with rainbows continued. I saw my very first play at Rainbow Stage and it had almost the same effect on me as the previous evening's rainbow. I was so excited to be there, not to mention to see my all-time favorite musical - The Sound of Music - being performed. No, it's not Broadway in New York, if it was I would be satisfied dying directly after because my life would be so complete, but it was pretty great. I even shed a couple of tears near the beginning; my joy personified.

So there you have it. My rainbow-filled week for you to see, and a wonderful rainbow-filled week it was.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

JT = Hot Timberland = Not

So the much anticipated event of the summer has now come and gone; JT has passed through and is now onto bigger and better cities. Lucky for him since he thinks Winnipeg is "superbad"... What does he know?

Despite his hatred for my beloved city, JT was really everything I could have ever wanted. His stage presence was top-notch, his dancing skills definitely above par, his voice smooth as silk and... oh yeah... he was attractive as... well... he was attractive. Not to mention, it was quite impressive to see him play the guitar as well as the piano on stage. Nice to see a real musician get major credit in the pop scene, we all know you don't have to have your song played on HOT103.

There were, however, a couple of downfalls to the evening; the biggest one being Timberland. Not to say his DJing skills aren't good, but his was a major kill-joy. If I wanted to hear a top 40 medley from two years ago, I could have definitely listened to my own mix cd's at home. After about 30 minutes of boredom resulting in creases on my face from Alexa's shoulder, to my utter dismay before my eyes on the stage in front of me (And I mean wayyyyyyy in front of me) danced, or crawled rather, a couple of scantily clad women bearing... whips? Who knows. I've never seen strippers in my life so I can't really say what they wear, but God knows I think I've seen as much of an imitation as I ever should. I was unimpressed... especially when JT slapped one of their asses, and then proceeded to fake a thrust in the other's bum. BARF.

Ahhh well. The evening was still nothing less than a success. I always love some good quality time with my bff's which will only allow for more bonding experiences in the future as we reminisce over Matt losing his ticket, a reprimand from a security guard at City Place over attending the concert due to his strong stance as a Christian. Then trying to hoard the ticket he found and lying about the whereabouts... Yeah, think about that one. Anyways... Yayyy JT, we had fun with you. I sure hope the other women there found the evening as great of a success as I. Although, I had nothing to be disappointed about at the end of the night when I went home without JT. By the looks and sounds of things before, during, and after the show, it would appear a lot of girls thought the contrary. My heart goes out to them.


Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Annddd.... It's coming.

Yes, yes it is. Winter is coming SOON. I am MORE than pumped. I actually can't contain my excitement. I just can't wait to get bundled up in my snow-suit. When I say "my snow-suit" what I actually mean, is the snow-suit that I am waiting with eager anticipation to buy. See, I usually don't like winter. Actually, I NEVER like winter. I don't have any reason to. I don't snowboard, I don't ski, I don't really skate - although usually it happens about once a winter, I have tobagganed maybe once since being eight years old, and I don't think that I have EVER built a snowman. Since those are the only things that would cause even the slightest enjoyment in the white world of Winnipeg during the months from October to oh... MAY... I have never enjoyed myself.

This year will be different.

Last year, from October until the beginning of April I was out of the country. Therefore I missed pretty much the entire season. I was even unlucky enough to to be gone for the most delicious of all holidays... Thanksgiving and Christmas and boy... did I ever miss them. So, because the majority of my year has been spent in blazing hot sun... I am ever so stoked for my body not to be sweaty, to wear clothes that will fashionably cover my entire self, and to experience H20 in a different state then I have in quite some time. But then I remember how I've never liked it... and it made me think... "Why?"

It's because I'm always cold. I've never been warm. No matter what I do in the winter, I'm always cold, and cold is a horrible thing to be. Soooo... I have come up with a master plan to enjoy the winter that I am so much looking forward to. It is... BEING WARM :) Sounds good huh? Well, if everything goes as planned, in a few short weeks I will be the proud owner of snowpants, Sorel boots, and a North Face jacket. I am going to wear it everywhere; to work, on the bus, to go shopping, and even to go out for dinner. Why the hell not? Who do I have to impress at frikin Boston Pizza? This plan is victory bound and I am going to, in the wise words of Nils Vik, KICK WINTER'S ASS! I really am, I was telling him how it's like this motivation just to dominate it... like..... it won't have anything on me when I'm decked out and sporting my new suit. I will enjoy winter this year and damnit... I'm gonna look good doing it. Also, with this great snow-suit, I will be able to do the winter activities that I've never been able to do before! I've had an offer from someone to teach me how to snowboard (Like I've never had that offered before... it NEVER happens... but maybe this year it will?, I'll maybe get to go tobagganing, maybe make a snow angel or two, and hell, I might even build an igloo.

That's right. This winter I'll be laughing; I will be living in warm bliss and I would advise everyone to take similar steps toward their potential warm bliss aswell. It will be grand and needless to say... I can't wait for winter 2007/2008.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

I didn't even have one glass of wine; I don't like wine.

Well tomorrow is the first day of the August Long Weekend. Do I have one single plan? No. Do I have a plan in the mix? No. Do I have a friend that has a plan that I could potentially get in on? No. No, no, no. Absolutely no hope of a plan for this weekend. It's quite sad actually. On the rare occasion that a long weekend rolls around you should be organized enough to take advantage of the extra day added to the weekend; a day completely untained by work. It should be glorious. Mine, however, will not be. Although, I shouldn't just write off the weekend because I don't have a plan. To be quite honest I don't think in all my life I've ever gone anywhere or done anything extraordinary on the August Long and it has never bothered me or even occured in my mind that it should bother me. For some reason this year is different. I'm mega-bummed. But as I said, there is a possibility that the weekend could still be a success. In thinking about this weekend and coming to terms somewhat with not having a million super-fun things in the agenda, I compiled somewhat of a list of things that are nice, that I could do to make my weekend nice. Here it is:

a) Go out for ice-cream at least twice.
b) Go to the beach at least once.
c) Go to Fun Mountain.
d) Rollerblade at Assiniboine park.
e) Watch a really good movie (preferably at Chris's house, but I would settle for my own if I get a T.V. or a DVD player... well both I guess)

I think I can attain everything on that list. The only one that might be difficult to do is Fun Mountain. Who knows if it's cool for 20 year olds to go to Fun Mountain? Not me. I mean, I do, but I guess I'll find out if I'm the only one when I voice that desire and hear the responses of my friends. I really hope it's cool. Oh geez I hope it's cool.

So the weekend could go either way. It could be a booming success or a complete failure. I guess I'll have to wait and see... I'm starting it off tonight by going to the Drive-In. I've never been and am ridiculously excited. I love kick-starting the weekend on Thursday nights, it makes the weekend seem longer.

So... with my mug of water I will lift it to myself in anticipation of a good long weekend.


Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Last night I bought chips for the people that were supposedly coming to my apartment to hang out. We ended up not going to my apartment at all and hanging out at the Leg instead as per the most recent trends. I really wanted to swim in the fountain but they turned off as I was about to slip my toes in. Bah. I told my friend to choose the flavor because "I don't even want to eat any"... Then I proceeded to eat 3/4 of the bag while everyone else watched because they were full. Prior to arriving at my house they had gone to Mongo's and ate real food while I made a disaster of a meal for supper for someone who wasn't hungry and ended up having bubble tea instead... and then I had chips... bubble tea then chips... Can you say healthy? Apparently that's me, "not wanting any". Today my stomach hates me.

I also went to Superstore last night and was blown away at the low low prices. Seriously. Blown away. I felt like everything was on sale, in comparison to where I ordinarily do my shopping: Safeway. My favorite purchase was grapes. They are crunchy and red. I also bought a shower curtain and bathroom towels. When I arrived home, much to my dismay, I discovered that the blues didn't match. Oh well.

Friday is the last day my boss will work at Travel Manitoba. As much as I dislike her, as the majority here do, I really do like her. She's a person that doesn't show favoritism at all since the only sentiment that she does emit is negativity. Every conversation she has with anyone is beneath her stature and ends with a conventional *SIGH* to signify her superior vexation and demonstrate the preciousness of her time that should not have been wasted on such a conversation. It is tiresome to most in the office to feel as though they are of minimal importance to her, however everyone has a spirit of loyalty towards her because she single handedly carried Travel Manitoba into a successful Crown Corporation. To me, that doesn't mean much considering I have no ties with Travel Manitoba and have not been here long enough to have reverance to her because of that. I like her. I don't think she necessarily likes me, but she certainly gets a kick out of me. She calls me "kiddo" and gives me feeble attempts of sarcasm that are always carried out with a smile. She is bitter-sweet and in 2.5 days she we will be moving on to Newfoundland and taking her talents with. Today we are acknowledging her departure in form of Wine&Cheese. All I have said about my boss and her departure has been intended to climax with this one question: How much wine shall I drink? I could definitely take advantage of the fact that I'm a temp, it's the end of the day and it is not my penny... Or I could be responsible, drink a glass of wine with class and take my relaxed body home for a nap. The decision of the day, however will I decide?

Thus concludes the most random of all random blogs. From the Leg and an upset stomach to Superstore and blues that don't match to a tribute of sorts and my quandary in regards to wine.
