Monday, June 4, 2007

Chapter Five


So, who didn't have an outfit that they wore every single day when they were young? I sure did. This was it. My favorite outfit. The one that I wore every single day, without fail. This is what the outfit consisted of:

- Multi-coloured, lace-up sneakers.
- White long-john's with small pink flowers on them.
- Black spandex shorts with one neon green and one neon pink stripe down either side.
- Striped long-sleeve shirt with an umbrella in the upper left hand corner.

Everyday ladies and gentlemen. Every single day I would wear this combo. I remember one specific weekend my parents went away and a babysitter resumed the position of fill-in authority for myself and my sisters. This babysitter found it ridiculous that I wore this outfit every single day and decided that she needed to take action [who did that deb think she was!?]. So, she decided to hide my long-john's from me. Of course my sisters joined in on this, why wouldn't they want to pick on their littlest sister? I was so outraged over the misplacement of these long-john's. I remember actually throwing a fit over it; tears were let loose and vocal chords were definitely strained. This outfit meant the world to me. Who knows why. I think at the end of the weekend she gave them back to me, she probably didn't want to risk putting her position of babysitting four girls in jeopardy by the youngest giving a horrible to report to the parents upon their return. Figures.

I'm not sure how long my infatuation with this four piece suit lasted for, I hope not for an entire year however I do know that it wasn't a short amount of time. My question to my parents is, why would you not have put an end to this after one single wear?

Why on earth do parents let their children do ridiculous things.. or rather... WEAR ridiculous things? Maybe it's just mine. At any rate, I think I look put-together and well-dressed. Or not at all. All I can say is, am I ever glad that I grew out of those clothes. Goodness knows I'd still be wearing that same outfit to this day. Yikes.

1 comment:

JmK said...

very interesting vanessa. very.