Monday, April 16, 2007


After a full day of hanging out with my sister and being rather comfortable... I decided that it was time to change for church. As I head into my room I toss around the idea of attempting to put on some jeans that BEFORE I travelled fit quite loosely, but since being home... I have not been able to get myself into. I think that there might be a possibility of fitting into them so I decide to give it a go. Sure enough, after sweat had been broken, the jeans were on. Even though they were oh... just a tad bit tight I was feeling pretty good. Hey.. I got into them didn't I? As I head downstairs for supper before we leave, I am feeling SUPERB. Supper goes by un-eventfully, good conversation, a couple of laughs... a typical dinner, and then it's time to clean up. As I start clearing the table, a fork hits the floor. Without hesitation I swoop down to retreive the dirty silverware and then it happens. All hell breaks loose. Well not quite.. but my leg sure does. The sound of splitting denim has never been my favorite, especially when it's coming from such close proximity to my own body. There she was... my erupted thigh. As I stood there with my leg unveiled; free for the world to see, my confidance slowly started depleting. The carefree attitude I bore only minutes before had now dissolved. I put the dirty fork on the counter and slowly made my way back up to my bedroom to put on the jeans that I knew would fit... I can't afford to buy new jeans for the sheer fact that I want to fit into the small ones. So I'm wearing stretch jeans today... no point in risking any more explosions of flesh from my clothing. No... never again.

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