Today I decided that I was going to go on a fast from myspace and msn until May the 1st. I wonder if I can do it.
See, this afternoon, as I was at my desk, SWAMPED, papers piling up all around me, the fax machine rurring with incoming messages, all four lines on my phone ringing (k, maybe not all simultaneously, but consecutively... all day) I was still managing to be on myspace and attempting to log on to my msn through meebo. Maybe it's just me and I'm lazy, which I'm usually not, and I'm easily swayed by anything to stand in the way of doing the work I have at hand. However I don't think that's the case. I think I'm addicted. That's bad news. Also... these two specific Internet activities (yes I'd say myspace is an activity) have been causing a lot more stress in my life than need be. Why cause that for myself? Well... I'm saving my own day I guess. I'm taking action and removing the stress from my life. So I say farewell my babies; so long myspace I'll be stalking again soon, adieu msn I'll be back chatting in no time.
Weee ooooo. It's sad to say that this is going to be extremely difficult. I hope everyone has my cell number and facebook that's all I have to say. I would beat my own system wouldn't I. Haha..
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