Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Allow me to introduce myself...

My name is Vanessa. I've been born, raised, named and even tamed in Winnipeg. I'm not a rapper. I do however, thoroughly enjoy a good book, good music, and good fellowship. My friends are incredible; they are where my loyalty lies. I have three older sisters; all three of them are truly the definition of lovely. My parents have been the most influencial people in my life which has been both my privelege and my downfall. Love is a complication in my life; the predicament being that I fall into it at a fairly fast pace; with people, things, and places... you name it. In all honesty, I just have a lot of love and I'm discovering that I need to be more guarded in how I give it away. I recently got home from Australia where I spent the last 6 months of my life. Suffice it to say, it was an incredible experience, one that I will remember forever. This past year my life has changed dramatically; I'm now a person I didn't know was possible. I believe in God and have faith in my salvation through his son, Jesus Christ, who died on the cross. I'm in the midst of exploring what this means in my life and how to live in unison with what I believe. I'm excited about life and learning; we'll see where it takes me...

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