Wednesday, October 22, 2008

fall affair

I have been doing a fair amount of smiling lately, and although it would appear to be attributed to the dainty canadian cut on my second leftest finger, the harsh reality is that it is not. Though my duties of a wedding planner are keeping me entertained, excited, and in fact smiling, the truth is that these particular smiles are directly a result of the temperature. No, I am not one bearing seasonal affective disorder, plainly, fall brings out the best in me. As do treats, however, not in the same way. With boot clad feet, Sarah Harmer serenading me, and a latte in my hand, I feel as though the world is on my side and there ain't nothing gonna bring me down.

In other news, the amount of weirdos at the Forks are at an all-time high. This may always be the case but it would appear that the ratio of weirdos to normal people has hightened for the worse. On Mondays at the Junction there is a sale on coffee beans. Most of our bean sales are done on this day because as we all know, Winnipeg loves a sale. For those who regularly take advantage of this recurring low price, a pre-order is placed so they can have their pick of the litter. A.k.a any flavour or bean they want. For those who don't pre-order, the choice is limited to those that Monday's bean wall bestows.

Last Monday, I was serving coffee solo from 3-4:30 and in that short and i-podless time frame, the weirdest of them all took his toll. As it unfolded...

Light haired, male, and obese (a hint regarding my feelings towards him), the customer that would ruin my hour and half stood before the bean wall scrutinizing every title in the lot. Sitting on the counter were 25 lbs of Cocount Cream coffee beans already bagged for someone to pick up.

Customer: "Is this all you have today?"
Me: "Yep, only what's on the wall on Mondays!"
Customer: "Well what about that Cocount Cream?"
Me: "That's bagged for someone else already"
Customer:"Well are you going to put it out?"
Me:"... No... it's for someone to come pick up"
Customer: "Is there left overs?"
Me: "No sorry, if there was it would be on the wall."
Customer: "So this is all you have then?"
Me: "... Yes...."
Customer: "Okay I'll have 4lbs of highlander grog"
Me: "Sure!"

I ground this man's order of beans in a fairly efficient manner considering the annoyance he was already proving to be.

Me: "Here ya go! It's $36."
Customer: "Well, I have this coupon" (the coupon is buy one, get one free up to a value of $5)
Me: "Oh sorry, I don't believe I can accept that coupon on beans. It is only for menu items."
Customer: "Beans are a menu item."
Me: "No, they aren't, it's only for coffee drinks and cakes"
Customer: "It doesn't say that on there."
Me: "Well, that's what it is for. Also the beans are already on sale today"
Customer: "what does that matter?"
Me: "It says right here, not valid with any other offer."
Customer: "Fine then. It is good for the cakes? How much are they?"
Me: "$2.80 each with tax"
Customer: "$2.80 each? Okay I will get two butter tarts"
Me: "Sounds good, your total is $38.80"
Customer: "Alright, you took the coupon off that?"
Me: "Sure did"
Customer: "Well, I want to see a receipt"
Me: "No problem, here are the 4lbs of beans, the cakes are $2.50 each without tax so it took of $2.50 for one of them."
Customer:"$2.50 only! So I could have got four of them and then it would have taken off the $5.00"
Me: "No actually, the coupon is only good for buy one get one free, not buy two get two free"
Customer: "You are just full of rules aren't you!!!"
Me: "No, I just do my job."
Cusotmer: "Well you are smarter than you look"
Me: "Okay.. bye!"

Case and point. Winnipeg loves a sale, the Forks is abundant in weirdos. Annoying customers aside, the leaves that fall only a window away from my counter at the Forks make me feel as though I am taking full advantage of our extended fall. Though it may be the same length as any other year, this year it seems as though it is staying for longer than usual, and I am not taking it for granted. Daily my smiles show gratitude for this wonderful view and the sidewalks have never been so strolled by this lady. Life is grand in the wonderful months of the light jacket and grand they will be until my boots turn to sorels. Let's not get ahead of oursleves though. Here's to leaves that fall and to the love of a sale.

Yours for a day,