Monday, April 4, 2011

that's it, that's all

I did it. It has yet to sink it, but it is done. Another semester bites the dust. I could not be more thankful.

This afternoon my most hilarious and dear professor took our class out for drinks. It was so kind of him and made me love my school even more than I already do. The best part about it was that there were two other classes at the pub doing the same thing. I'm going to say it: University of Winnipeg is the best. Royden Loewen, you are the best.

The next couple of days will include many trips to the gym (to counteract all the end of semester ice cream eating and also.. triathlon season is nearing!), Superstore, movies, going to my parents house, studying for exams (boo), maybe bike rides (!?) and lastly and most importantly, date night. Do I still have a husband!?

I have been feeling so crazy all day today. Giggling at inopportune times. Saying weird things out loud that I normally would not. This last weekend of school life put me over the edge.

Yikes bikes. Shut it down.

V. xo